var keywords = (function(){ 'use strict' var template = getTemplate(); return newKeywords; function newKeywords(d, t, uf){ return new Keywords(d, t, uf); } function Keywords(d, t, fns){ var e = getElementFromString(template, fns.getAppName('keywords')), ele = new Elements(e, { 'status' : { 'target' : new ToggleInput(e.querySelector('.tgl'), updateStatus, { 'initialValue' : d.status === true }) }, "remove" : { 'target' : new ConfirmationButton(e.querySelector('.remove'), { 'text' : 'Remove app', 'noClass' : true, 'confirmText' : 'Confirm?' }, removeAction) }, 'kws' : { 'target' : new TagContainer(e.querySelector('.inputs'), { 'limit' : 2000, 'data' : d.list }, updateKeywords) }, 'negkws' : { 'target' : new TagContainer(e.querySelector('.negInputs'), { 'limit' : 2000, 'data' : d.negatives }, updateNegKeywords) } }); = function(){ e.classList.remove('noDisplay'); }; this.hide = function(){ e.classList.add('noDisplay'); }; this.exit = function(){ if(!!e) removeChild(t, e); if(!!ele) ele.exit(); e = ele = null; }; t.appendChild(e); function updateStatus(v){ d.status = v; if(!v){ d.list = d.negatives = []; e.querySelector('.keywords').classList.add('noDisplay'); } else { e.querySelector('.keywords').classList.remove('noDisplay'); } fns.refreshSidePanel(); } function updateKeywords(e){ d.list = sanitize(e); fns.refreshSidePanel(); } function updateNegKeywords(e){ d.negatives = sanitize(e); fns.refreshSidePanel(); } function removeAction(e){ fns.removeApp('keywords'); } } function getTemplate(){ var span = 'If your customer was searching for your product or service on google, what would they type in?', note = '

*Note: You can have a max of 2000 keywords

', inputs = '
', negInputs = '
', kw = '
' + span + inputs + negInputs + note + '
', h = '

{{ . }}:

', tgl = '
', rem = '
'; return '' + h + tgl + rem + kw + ''; } function sanitize(e){ var a = []; loop(e, p); return a; function p(k, v){ a[k] = v.toLowerCase(); } } })();