var Pixels = function(core, target, data, returnCB) { 'use strict'; var events = new EventManager(), template = new Template(), element = null, elements = null, inboundData = null, data = null, timeframe = 7, apiObj = { 'advStats': { 'source': 'actionStats/period/advertisers/' + core.userID + '/-/-/' + timeframe, 'noID': true }, 'advStatsToday': { 'source': 'actionStats/period/advertisers/' + core.userID + '/-/-/0', 'noID': true }, }, apiManager = new ApiManager(apiObj, core.userID, init); this.exit = exit; function getDataTimeframe() { return { "data": [{ "title": "Last 7 days", "value": 7 }, { "title": "Last 15 days", "value": 15 }, { "title": "Last 30 days", "value": 30 } ], "options": { "dropdownClass": "cool", "menuItemClass": "cool", "carrotClass": "cool" } } } function getDataAlerts() { return { "title": "Uh Oh! Your pixels have never loaded.", "message": "In order for us to properly track, retarget, and optimize your advertising campaigns, we need our pixels to be placed on your website. Please download and follow our instructions:", "highlight": "we need our pixels to be placed on your website." } } function getDataInfo(d) { return [{ "title": "Loads", "value": fmtNum(d.views, 1) }, { "title": "Avg. daily loads", "value": fmtNum(d.views / timeframe, 1) } ] } function Data(d) { this.timeframe = getDataTimeframe(); this.alert = getDataAlerts(); = getDataInfo(d.advStats || { views: 0 }); this.dailyUsers = (d.advStatsToday && d.advStatsToday.views) ? d.advStatsToday.views : 'None Yet'; // this.lastPixelHit = isString(d.pixelStats.lastPixelHit) ? d.pixelStats.lastPixelHit : 'None Yet'; // this.lastConversion = isString(d.pixelStats.latestPixelConversion) ? d.pixelStats.latestPixelConversion : 'None Yet'; this.requiredPixel = getRequiredPixel(core.brand, core.userID); this.conversionPixel = getConversionPixel(); this.advancedProductsPixel = getAdvancedProductsPixel(); } function Template() { var header = '

Manage Pixels

'; var alertTitle = '

{{ title }}

', alertMessage = '

{{ message }}

Turn it off now.It\'s ok
'; var requiredPixel = '

Required Pixel:Place this code within your <head> tags on all pages:

', conversionPixel = '

Conversion Pixel:Place this code on your conversion pages:

', advanced = '

Advanced:Place these codes within the <body> tags on pages of your choice:

Click here to track the products a user is engaging with...
', container = '' + requiredPixel + conversionPixel + advanced + ''; var info = '{{# info }}

{{ title }}:

{{/ info }}
', sidePanel = '


' + info + // '

Regular pixel valid as of:

' + // '

Conversion pixel valid as of:

' + '

Users segmented today:

' + '
'; this.index = '
' + header + '
' + container + sidePanel + '
'; this.sidePanel = sidePanel; = info; this.alert = alertTitle + alertMessage; } function init(error, d) { d = cleanRTBObject(core.userID, d); inboundData = d; data = new Data(d) setElement(data); setElements(data); returnCB(); insertElement(); ga('send', 'event', 'Pixels', 'View'); } function setElement(d) { element = getElementFromString(render(template.index, d)); } function setAlert(d) { if (d.alert) core.alerts.alert(element.querySelector('.alerts'), template.alert, 'danger', d.alert); } function setElements(d) { var timeframeObj = d.timeframe; elements = new Elements(element, { 'engagingProducts': { 'target': new ToggleItem(element.querySelector('.engagingProducts'), element.querySelector('.engagingProductsTA')) }, 'timeframe': { 'target': new Dropdown(element.querySelector('.timeframe'), timeframeObj, updateTimeframe) }, 'sidePanel': { 'selector': 'side-panel' }, 'info': { 'selector': 'info' } }); } function insertElement() { target.appendChild(element); } function ToggleItem(element, textarea) { var state = false; events.add(element, 'click', toggle); function toggle(e) { if (e && e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (!state) open(); else close(); } function open() { state = true; textarea.classList.remove('noDisplay'); } function close() { state = false; textarea.classList.add('noDisplay'); } } function updateTimeframe(d) { core.notifications.setLoading();'loading'); apiObj = { 'advStats': { 'source': 'actionStats/period/advertisers/' + core.userID + '/-/-/' + d, 'noID': true } }; apiManager = new ApiManager(apiObj, core.userID, updateLoads); } function updateLoads(error, d) { core.notifications.setSuccess('w00t!'); = getDataInfo(d.advStats || { views: 0 }); var newInfo = getElementFromString(render(, data)); elements.sidePanel.insertBefore(newInfo, elements.sidePanel.removeChild( = newInfo; } function exit() { if (element) target.removeChild(element); if (events) events.reset(); if (elements) elements.exit(); housekeeping(); } function housekeeping() { core = target = data = returnCB = events = template = element = elements = inboundData = null; } };