var ReportDialog = (function() { 'use strict'; var templates = new Templates(), emailRe = /^.+@.+\..+$/, freqData = { data: [ { title: "Select Frequency", placeholder: true}, { title: 'Daily', value: 'daily' }, { title: 'Weekly', value: 'weekly' }, { title: 'Monthly', value: 'monthly' }, ]}, typeData = { data: [ { title: "Select Format", placeholder: true}, { title: 'Excel (XLSX)', value: 'xlsx' }, { title: 'CSV (zip)', value: 'csv' }, { title: 'Raw JSON', value: 'json' }, ]}; function check(data) { if(!data.frequency) return 'Please select send frequency.'; if(!data.format) return 'Please select report format.'; if(!data.recipient || !emailRe.test(data.recipient)) return 'Please enter a valid email address.'; } function ReportDialog(typ) { this.tmpl = templates[typ] ||; = {}; } ReportDialog.prototype = { // cb return true to close the dialog, string to set an error and remain open. show: function(data, cb) { // todo handle multiple types if(!cb) cb = function() {}; this.dlg = new Modal({ 'contents' : this.tmpl.html, 'title' : this.tmpl.title, 'className': 'auto' }); var self = this, byID = function(id) { return self.dlg.element.querySelector('#' + id) }; this.eles = new Elements(this.dlg.element, { freq: { target: new Dropdown(byID('freq'), freqData, function(v) { = v; }) }, fmt: { target: new Dropdown(byID('fmt'), typeData, function(v) { = v; }) }, recip: { target: byID('recip') }, err: { target: byID('err') }, nm: { target: byID('cancel') }, doit: { target: byID('doit') }, }); if(data && data.frequency) this.eles.freq.setValue(data.frequency); if(data && data.format) this.eles.fmt.setValue(data.format); if(data && data.recipient) this.eles.recip.value = data.recipient; this.eles.recip.addEventListener('input', function(e) { =; }); this.eles.doit.addEventListener('click', function() { if(self.setError(check( return; var ret = cb(, false); if(ret === true) return self.close(); self.setError(ret); }); this.eles.nm.addEventListener('click', function() { cb(null, true); self.close(); }) }, close: function() { if(this.eles) this.eles.exit(); if(this.dlg) this.dlg.close(); this.eles = this.dlg = null; = {}; }, setError: function(err) { if(typeof err === 'object' && 'error' in err) { err = err.error; } if(!err) { this.eles.err.classList.add('noDisplay'); } else { this.eles.err.innerHTML = err; this.eles.err.classList.remove('noDisplay'); } return !!err; } }; function Templates() { var freq = '
', fmt = '
', email = '
Recipient Email:
', err = '
', nm = 'Nevermind', doit = 'Schedule'; this.sched = { html: '
' + freq + fmt + email + '
' + err + '', title: 'Schedule Detailed Report' }; = {html: 'n/a', title: 'n/a'}; } return ReportDialog; })(); function scheduledReportOpts(uid, cid, type, freq, fmt, email) { this.userID = uid; this.campaignID = cid; this.format = fmt; this.type = type; this.frequency = freq; this.recipient = email; }